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Rating:  (9.00)    [13592 views]
Theme: Celebs (female)
Owner: antoinette
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User Comments

antoinette writes:
Yes that is true.I uploaded so many new pictures but they didnt put it on my profile.And most of the ones I have they took more than one month to put it.
So irresponsable.And if I send a message,they dont respond to it.My guess is they couldnt care less with this site,which makes us really annoyed.

neuzat writes:
I had the celebs (female) background for a couple of days in my profile and all of a sudden it desappeared and now I cannot put it back for some strange reason
I read that other people are experiencing the same problem - they cannot even put the background in their profiles
What is happening with your site - if you have problems you should remove it so we didn't have to face this problem

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